"From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work" (Ephesians 4:16)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do better now my child.

He came to my desk with a quivering lip,

the lesson was done.

“Have you a new sheet for me dear teacher? “ he said;

“I’ve spoiled this one.”

I took his sheet all stained and blotted,

Gave him a new one all unspotted.

And into his sad eyes I cried,

“Do better now my child”.

I went to the Throne with a trembling heart, the day was done.

“Have you a new day for me master?” , I said;

“I’ve spoiled this one.”

He took my day all stained and blotted, gave me a new one all unspotted.

And into my tired heart he smiled,

“Do better now, my child.”

- - Kathleen Wheeler

Saturday, May 2, 2009

James shares!

Hi to all,

ROMANS 8:35-39

“What shall separate us from the love of Christ”

First of all, I would like to say a big Thank you so much you guys did a wonderful laminated simple cards with full of signatures behind it for my birthday. It’s very meaningful to me, totally priceless. It looks like time passed very fast; I always avoid to tell my age. Since now everyone knows it, I just wanted to thank God for what He has done for me. His plan of 21 years on me is so awesome.
Like I mentioned during my previous sharing, every single one of us must be ready for the calls from our mighty God. We might attend church every Sunday and pray constantly, spiritually we must be READY for Him too.

Matthew: 24:36

“But of the day and the hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only”

Matthew 24: 44

“therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

Our Lord Jesus is a loving God. He is the way, the truth and the life.

Recently due to my radar course, I've been lack of my constant own diary updates and even Bible reading every night. Well our Lord is great; He knew every single small thing happened within and around us. I have few great testimonies to share with you guys, hope it can be an inspiration one and even an eye opener for certain people over here.

I never knew I can spend my 21st birthday with new friends and even in a new town- Seremban. I wasn’t thought of my birthday could fall on our Sabbath day =) Then I went to a charismatic church in Seremban – Agape Church (a fellow of AOG churches). As usual, I knew due to my career I can hardly attend church on every Sunday like what you guys are doing. So, I always do my tithing of my 10% of my monthly income (refer Matthew 23:23) each time I attend a summon.

After church, I received a phone call all the way from Penang. My dad told me that he bank in a certain amount of money in my bank account for my birthday present. Surprisingly the amount of money from dad is more than twice the amount of what I’ve tithed! This is miracle, it happened me third this year the same case how money flows in when u ready to tithe, to be honest with you guys, I USED TO always tithe 1ringgit each time I attend church. (those days during high school)

Recently miracles happened to me financially which makes me have to fulfil what our bible says, 10%…that’s what I’m doing now. Though sometimes its normal our pocket are quite tight on that particular month. But putting your trust to honour Him, He will lead you the way. Mind u guys like the bible says

Matthew 6:3 But when we do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand knows what your right hand is doing

The moral of the story here is not about start doing your tithing and expect some return directly.

Well sometimes we as Christian, the one who believe the true God, being saddened with many things happened around us. Confused? You see, we must not let the environment to control us. As we going on our life individually, we must know what our purpose on this Earth is. Many people being reading tons of books or even consult the best physiologist but still hardly working it out,

If you have a strong WHY (the reason) then you will eventually knows your own HOW (solution).

Get my point?

To choose what you want to BE

Not what you want to HAVE

You can HAVE the biggest castle in the world but if that is not what you want to BE, you won’t be happy.

another similar case is

Seek Ye First in the kingdom of God =)

Seek and u shall find, ask and it shall be given to you, knock and you shall find.

Imagine, during CG every Friday, if there is a guy who intend to know about Word of God, he just stand outside jared 64 tembaga house WITHOUT knocking, do u think he will FIND the wisdom of God from our cg sharing?

No. Like what Jesus said, He had prepared us a big mansion in His Father’s kingdom for us. So all we need is to knock to Him, and we shall find Him. The Lord is always there for us.

lastly, wanted to remind you guys that for we must be patience and be faithful to Him

Matthew 13:9

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

In Jesus name the most powerful name I pray

And the saints say? Amen.

~smooth sailing~


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Aiching's Weekly! (Plus edition)

Prayer updates (hope I got them right. Additions more than
welcome) :-

1) James - Simulator course, thanksgiving on passing recent

2) Exams:
Sandra(22nd, 24th Apr)
Alvin (22nd, 25th Apr)

3)Jamie - Exam and Mom's eye - for complete healing of mom's

4) Allyson - Mom's eye and finances to support - Mom going
for cataract operation on the 25th

5) TY - rental of mom's house, provision and God's
comforting peace

6) Karen - workload to ease. God's favour and hand upon
Karen in her work, that she will also find favour in the
eyes of her boss and colleagues. Perseverance.

7) Vivian - God's protection and favour in her work.

8) Lily - that God will use her in her workplace to glorify
His name.

9) KC - thanksgiving for getting a job.

10)Han Wei - that he will achieve his 2009 targets. Blessing
in his work all around!

Let's all try to make a list of 10 things we're thankful to
God for each week. It's a good exercise to be remind
ourselves of His provision and love.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

I would like to wish happy birthday!!! to boys n girl.
Happy Birthday Rohini didn't see you awhile, hope to see you drop by if you are free.

Sze Yao and James, my brother it is a blessing to have you guys in our CG. Sze Yao, good to have you as our friendly mascot.. Hamtaro..hehe...but most of all you are a good friend to all of us. James although you are far from home
but yet we feel your participation in our group have been an encouraging to lots of people.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Updates, people!

Hullo...Gosh, I'm struck by how much is happening this week!

Love you LOADS. (And soz
to embarrass you on here like this, hehe)

Sze Yao's birthday is TOMORROW (Thurs 16th). NO kidding.

And James' is this SUN (19th). Phew! Definitely a birthday month...

It's James' halfway point thru his "Profieciecy in Radar Plotting & Radar
Observer course". Well done for making it so far...
Let's cont to pray with him. Bro, let us know how you're doing, kay? :)

Sandra has exams this week (till when? And is anyone ELSE having
horrible exams, too?)
Hope it's been good so far, woman! Remember, someday YOU will have
the pleasure of torturin students in the name of EDUCATION (Yeh, right)

*Some hsekeeping matters:
Okay, remember the first birthday celebs we had this year? Vivian and
KC's? Remember stuffing our faces with their yummy cake?
YES, it's been ages (and they've grown a lot older, too - just kidding!!!)
As the group's official licensed drug dealer, I think I should also be the
debt collector everyone loves to hate (PAY UP! PAY UP!).
ER...I mean, can people please bring money to pay Ally this Fri? Please?

It's RM4 per person, ok. Thanking yous!
*Further notices:
CG retreat is being planned by H. Wei for mid-May sometime. Will leave
it for him to elaborate but hopefully this isn't too late a notice and most
of us will be able to make it :)

Church camp is from 5-7th Sept, at a hotel somewhere in Pg. Keep your
calender free, PLEASE! And start saving up for it; hopefully it won't be
unaffordable for anyone. Do let me know if finances will be a prob (when
church announces the exact fee), especially the students...

That's it. But FEEL FREE TO ADD anything I missed!
Oh, and read Chapter 10 :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Waiting Father (Luke 15:11-31)

Dear all, i'd like to jot down some of the stuff that Bishop Hwa Yung shared with us tonight, during the Good Friday's Service.
Please, if you guys have anything to add...just click "edit post" or add in comments ya! Afterall, it'll be good, to have everyone chip in whatever that came into your mind, what you have wrote in your little notebook, thoughts, experience or perspective, etc..etc...
Well, i might have missed something of what the Bishop have shared...so yeah, if there's anything that speaks to you tonight, do share it k? (:
  • Love, this is a story about love
  • God made us for Himself --> until we rest fully on the Lord, our hearts will go restless
  • Each and everyone of us have wounds deeper than what we can imagine, BUT healing is there in Jesus
  • God brings hope to broken relationship
  • We all struggles with insecurity
  • Many of us find security and love in the wrong place ----> work, bgr, fame, money, status, recognition, attention....
  • We all want to be long for, claim, love, fight for, etc...
  • We all need a sense of security, a sense of identity and a sense of selfworth
  • Change, Heal and Transform ---> these are the glorious message of Good Friday
  • Good Friday brings us healing, love, joy, security
  • The story of the 2 prodigal sons:

1st son (younger son) :

Found God, after much sorrow, and tragedy, he look to the only one who can help him; his father.

2nd son (older brother):

The older brother found great difficulty to forgive the younger brother because he felt that he has done so much more that what the younger brother has done, he felt that he has always been there, that he has given his best to the father. The older brother's resentment rendered him just as lost to the father's love as his younger brother had been.

The son refuse to forgive because he was bitter.
Sometimes, because of a lot of things, we want to be accepted, we fight to be acknowledge, we want to be known, we work hard to earn something.

God :

God's great love reaches out and finds sinners no matter why or how they got lost. In this story, the father watched and waited. He was dealing with a human being with a will of his own, but he was ready to greet his son if he returned. In the same way, God's love is constant, and patient and welcoming. He will search for us and give us opportunities to respond, but he will not force us to come to him. Like the father in this story, God waits patiently for us to come to our senses. The father forgave because he is filled with love.

  • However, sin and guilt prevent us from going to God.
  • God is still waiting for us to go back to Him.
  • Are we seeking approval, love, security in the right place?
  • God is waiting.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Easter Altar Call

I cannot believe it will be Easter this Sunday! I can have my teh peng again ;)
But more importantly, how have I spent my Lent...and how can I remind myself
not to be numb to this yearly event, that His death wasn't ordinary or meaningless!

Dear Father, won't you make me feel like a new believer all over again? :)

A VIDEO by Max Lucado:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Auntie Kheng Hong's Birthday Celebration

*hey all, these are the update on the birthday celebration for some of you who cant make it* (:

it was a good dinner, i am glad that i went. indeed, i am blessed, by the presence of the people, by her and by the FOOD!! it was super yummy! and the place of celebration, is nonetheless, the favorite place of mine and other people of all time - flaming pot or previously known as ISARIBI!!

it was raining cats and dogs during the evening and i almost couldnt make it. but then, something kept me up, i couldnt take a nap, i couldnt rest, and coupled with the smses from kc, i just knew that i need to go. so i got up, changed and pooooof - off to fetch kc and isaribi. was late, im sorry.

but guess what?? so many people came to celebrate her birthday!!!! 12 of us! wow!! i didnt expect so many of them came and all are laughing and chit chatting when i arrived. and i was greeted with warm smiles and jokes..anyway, the main focus here is not me, it is her - auntie khenghong....

the dinner started off well, with us making jokes and catching up with one another. lawrence kt prayed for the food and auntie khenghong, and then she shared her testimonies with us...she shared a lot of stuff, about her trust, perseverance, faith, love and life in Jesus. i remembered her saying that "i am very touched..i went to the cemetery and told haryong that i would not cry, but i cant help myself but cry, because i really feel so touched. i am blessed with so many friends and family members who love me and care about me" and many many more.

her short speech, brings tears to my eyes, and some of the ladies too - auntie leanmei & auntie evelyn. she is a strong lady, a lady of passion, a prayerful lady, a lady of prayer, living her life to love God's people, because according to her, God has first love us, and we should love His people. she shared with us about uncle haryong too, saying that he always mentor, guide and mould her into who she is right now, uncle haryong is not just a husband, he is a best friend, a mentor and many many more. that is why, she misses him very very much. more tears came out at this point. we all miss him and we all feel her pain. though not 100% but we still feel it. she is strong, always proclaiming God's goodness, righteousness and greatness. she will never mock or blame God, even through her difficult time like this, she still praises God for His love, she knew and believe that God will and is taking care of her. this is the life God has chosen for her, and she will go through it with Him. no doubt, she missed uncle haryong, we miss him too..but, non can compare to the feeling she felt. i am very glad to see so many of us turned up for the dinner - myself,kc,leanmei, evelyn, chenghin,irene,chengliew,cordi,lawrencekt,calvin,lawrenceyeoh. i am glad that some of us from the CG are able to make it.

she has been a blessing in the lives of so many people, and she will continue to be. we all love her. tears came out from her eyes as we prayed, as she shared, as we sang the birthday song and after she cut the birthday cake. i guess, she is really touched by the love shown by the people whom care about her and also, as she misses uncle haryong.

as we continue with our tradition, all of us said the good things about her, all from what we have experience from her ourselves. prayers, care, concern, smile, perseverance, grace, mercy, thoughtfulness, willingness, passion, faith, trust, selfless love, guidance and many many more. indeed, she is a role model to all of us there, to some, she is also a mother, be it young or old, big or small. almost all of us, praise her and her late husband, uncle haryong. this couple, has really touches the hearts and lives of many, that non can ever count the blessing and love that they have given and shown others. they live their life for God and God alone, winning soul for Christ's kingdom, and pouring out all they can with what they have and praying earnessly and continously for each and everyone that come into their lives.

they really showed me that prayer changes things and always be patient with God's people. thank you for being such a great person auntie, truly you are a strong lady! YAYYY!!!!

we wish you, a blessed birthday! you are a blessing to all!

tonight, i know that God is gracious and in Him, all are victorious.

just me, Ally
p/s: please forgive the typo and grammer k? hehe =p

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's LiLY's birthday!!

H.A.P.P.Y. B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y. LILY!!!

May the Lord showers you with tons and tons of blessing this year - love, patient, joy, peace, encouragement, gentleness, and many many more!

Continue to shine for Jesus ya!! (:


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another Upcoming Birthday - superly soon!

ATTENTION..ATTENTION...ATTENTION to all my beloved brothers and sisters,

let us not forget someone's birthday tomorrow (1st April) too!! jeng....jeng...jeng....

It is LILY's BIRTHDAY!!!!!

So yeah, let's wish her ya! be it via calls, sms, emails, or on the blog or during CG!!! hehehe...oppsss~ not to forget, presents too!!!!!! *wink*wink*

Ally <3